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A member registered Jan 13, 2017

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Innovative product, finished the level really wanting more. Would love to see this as a roguelike! Something I don't like, the play area, is two-fold: 1) Doesn't take long to build a controller. 2) Not automated enough.

Such interesting positioning for such a climactic finish - I at times never thought it would get long enough, but with the help of everyone and the action of the dragon I finally swung my sword through. Was I premature if I was done in under half an hour?

I would like to see you do the RPG Maker release prior to a UE5 release, because I want to see if you can stick to your guns. Don't get me wrong, UE5 is a beast, but so is RPG Maker. Like you said, if it's easy then it's not for you. I once had a project I was working on and I decided to switch development environments. Even though the new environment was better, I missed out on what I really needed which was simply a bit more time organizing. I also thought my original environment was lesser, however this later was proven wrong due to a couple of "extensions."

Let me prove it to you. Set up crowdfunding with an initial audience of 200 on *both* projects, your current vested RPG Maker project and the green UE5 project. I have a feeling you'll get more support for your original concept.

Ask the developer of the software you are using, too. Sometimes they'll give you a good deal.

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Reputable game development mean like Kongregate or talk to a first party studio. It may also be a good idea to go to Digipen or Full Sail and have a conversation. No matter what, the more important question is what are your budgets? Money, time, equity, current team, your market, and your SWOT.

Thank you! Can posts be organized, like maybe with tags, into topics, or a wiki?

This really works well, and is very challenging. I like the approach to the card abilities over the deck style, however I would like more card customizability vs random choices. The overheating system is genius, and I can see where it could become too overpowered. And thanks for keeping the health design simple (at least so far).

(6 edits)

Gameplay is engaging, potentially not straightforward, somewhat simple, hard to master, a worldbuilding chase. It has turn-based actions, cycle timers, and random islands. This is an extremely immersive game, and if you can get past the randomness of both the island map and the landmaking it even has replay value.

I enjoy the loop, personal challenges (details below), the individual tile animations, and how well the whole concept works.

I don't like being forced to use a custom mouse pointer, despite that it is implemented well. At the alter, mispelling with "grain." Occasionally crashes.

Gameplay problems: Resource tile redesign because there's a bit too many tile types, and don't take this as a request for turning the game into a pity party. My first suggestion is to have a spinner over the counter when creating islands so with skill a player can landmake with 1-6 tiles, so with 6 tiles there's a better chance to get resource tiles or with 1 tile it could solve gap issues. Second suggestion is prayer on any tile when no other options are available which always does something. Like rain in the desert, spawning ruffians who could beat you up, messes with the void, get smited, and so on. 

Wishlist: a voidless mode (maybe a point deduction system?), more quests (you really have a great eye for constraint design), a beggar mode where you start "out," and an "Oregon Trail" mode where anything beyond 1 tile is fog of war (but you can store more than 100% - potential for other upgrades?). I currently play 2 ways, so maybe you could make achievements: tile by tile and nostop where I have to place tiles that allow travel as far as possible and I must move to that tile. Also interested in some type of warning that you will run out if you make a move.

Works on Android 11. Figuring out each side (on easy) was (despite being easy) quite mind bending. Would love to see tons of different layouts.

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What a great idea. Kind of like the Elephant Game on Kongregate, however this feels much less grindy. By the way, so far: A solution glitches after the game restarts without reloading, because it slides to the middle for some reason (maybe you should assign letters or numbers to the solutions so we can refer to them without spoilers?).